Fiat Coupe Club UK

Need advice.....

Posted By: Vinno

Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:21

About a sombre topic indeed...

I am thinking I might have to let the coupe my mum.

To cut a long story mum currently drives my old car... Peugeot 206xs 1.6
At the moment I pay £100/month insurance on the coop (22yo 4 years driving).
And around £20/week petrol.

My mum is absoloutly desperate to have my if I go back to the Pug 206 I will be paying about a tenner a week petrol and £38 a month insurance.

The fact of the matter is I'm absoloutly up sh*t street with my finances. Im a student working part time and I'm kinda skint....

I just wanna know what people think I should do. I dont want to lose the coop, having it outside the house and it not being mine will be painful...but at least I know its there for me to have again when I can afford?. I dunnnnno...It feels like I'll be going backwards in life..y'know.

Go on somebody...put me straight.
Posted By: JKD

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:37

This is what I think.

Give the Coupe to your mum and get the Peugeot.

Yeah its a downgrade from the Coupe but you'll be sorted with the financial side of things which seems to be the most important issue here.

Your mum will be happy as you're saying saying she wants your car.

And you're not really losing the Coupe are you? It will be physically still there so it shouldn't feel like you've lost it.

Ofcourse things should get better for you so you should be back to driving either that or indeed maybe another Coupe in no time! So ultimately you should be happy, in both the short and long term too.
Posted By: jockey

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:37

mate, your going to have to make some lifestyle changes or work some overtime! I was 22 and a student working part time when I bought mine, but I had been saving for it since i was 16 and didn't spend money on much else or go out at weekends and no gf so had enough to run it. The Coupe costs a lot to run and keep in good condition, not something that's always considered when buying, but you cant have everything so you'll need to decide whats more important, student lifestyle, beer etc or coupe. I still have some regrets about buying mine, my heart says yes but head says no, its cost me thousands of pounds in the years i've owned it.
Posted By: Theresa

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:45

Let your Mum have it \:\)

In my eyes, it wouldn't really be gone and I would still be able to see and admire it, even drive it now and again (possibly) \:D

It would save you paying out a fortune for insurance, etc, but you'd still be able to see it and possibly have it back in the future.

Just make sure, that when/if you have it back, your Mum has paid for all the big jobs, such as cambelt, etc \:D
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:51

I second Theresa. (Or third JKD - whatever)
Posted By: DanTheManc

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 00:59

sell the coupe, bank the money and buy a 200 quid banger as a run about whike you sort your finances out. Why do you need to have the 206?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 03:00

No-one needs to have a 206 - surely?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 07:58

206 isnt too bad mate, sometimes we gotta make these sacrifices, im sure others are in a worse position,
you know the clichés.
Like said at least you still have the coop indirectly.
are you not Fully comp? perhaps named driver?
i personally wouldnt sell as prices for coops are at a terrible low.
let your mum have it. for a bit \:\)
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Need advice..... - 08/02/2009 08:41

As others have said. Let your mother have it. Let her insure it - but perhaps with yourself as a named driver. (Don't do that and then let it live permanently at your house, though; that's insurance fraud.)

Drive the Pug through the week; save on the fuel and insurance costs. Visit the coupe at weekends as a treat.

These days - well, getting your finances sorted out is always a good idea, but at the moment it's critical. Ignore that at your peril. This crash won't last forever, and sooner or later interest rates will go up again... and if you have a bad credit history it will do you no good at all.
Posted By: Vinno

Re: Need advice..... - 11/02/2009 22:10

After reading the unanimous verditct I think I'll set the wheels in motion to get this car swap on the go lol.

Just to reply to jockey - I dont have the typical student lifestyle. I dont drink, dont have a quite sad really lol. I seem to spend all my money on the coop and thats what gets me down tbh.

On Monday I stopped half way to uni top put £15 petrol in her. Drove the rest of the way to uni, drove home. Later that evening I made another small journey. And today I've driven to work and back - all £15 virtually gone.
If I had the 206 that £15 would have lasted nigh on 2 weeks probably!

Its gonna be hard, but like you have said..It'll still be parked outside the house. I'm gonna get to take rides in it lol. And I'll get it back or get a new one in a year or so.

Ah..a sad day is looming. frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 11/02/2009 22:19

buddy let your mum have the coupe and you fully insure the pug then you can still drive it at weekends wink and just pay for fuel you use!???

Posted By: jockey

Re: Need advice..... - 11/02/2009 22:32

I was the same, when I was your age i completely forgot about everything else in my life which should have been more important at the time, such has looking for a girlfriend and going up town, clubbing etc and now even sadder I'm playing catch up at 27 lol You dont want to make the same mistake as me and spend too much attention on your car so your very lucky your mum can keep it.
Posted By: Tommy_Coop23

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 10:08

22 and 4 years driving but your insurance is £100/month? im 23, being driving for 2 years and have been involved in an accident but mine is £100/month too, have you tried adrian flux etc for when you get a coupe again or get yours back?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 10:14

Originally Posted By: luke
buddy let your mum have the coupe and you fully insure the pug then you can still drive it at weekends wink and just pay for fuel you use!???

I dont think those policies can be got for anyone under 25.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 13:02

Originally Posted By: suba
Originally Posted By: luke
buddy let your mum have the coupe and you fully insure the pug then you can still drive it at weekends wink and just pay for fuel you use!???

I dont think those policies can be got for anyone under 25.

they can through the likes of quinn direct regardless of your age shocked
Posted By: Vinno

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 13:19

I've tried to be a named driver on it and the premium goes from like £300 for just my mum or over a grand with one of them and me as a named driver.
I tried Adrian Flux and they wouldnt even give me a quote lol. Dont know whats happening there to be honest. My insurance has always been more than my friends even when we had similar cars.

I could probably keep the coup and struggle on. But the problem is..if something - anything goes wrong I'll be up sh*t creek lol. If only I'd been more careful with my money, I could keep it.

Cheers for the advice. I'll get on to my mum to ring the insurance and see how much it'll be. frown
Posted By: Tommy_Coop23

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 14:28

It sounds like it's giving you more stress and worry than enjoyment, i would def let your mum have the car as long as she's aware of how quick they are and takes good care of it, you will still be seeing it every day etc, only just realised you're in stoke on trent, what part, i might have seen your coupe?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Need advice..... - 12/02/2009 21:05

Give the car to your mum and get your finances sorted. Better to keep the coop in the family. Better to give it up now before something major needs doing to it.

You're only 22 - many many years of coop ownership in your future laugh
Posted By: Vinno

Re: Need advice..... - 14/02/2009 01:35

Tommy. Im around the Burslem area. S reg might have seen it. Where are you?
Well guys the swap is going down tommorrow lol. I know I'll miss it, but after a few weeks I'll stop caring to a certain extent and just start to look forward to when Im sorted and can afford another coop or have mine back providing my mum hasnt broken it lol.

I'll update ya in a few days when Im ready to top myself after going back to French car ownership.
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