Fiat Coupe Club UK

Using matt finish paint - advice

Posted By: Anonymous

Using matt finish paint - advice - 26/08/2007 01:06

There are a number of parts on my car that I want to finish with matt paint - both metal and plastic.

Im after some advice if anybody has any as to the best way to do this so that the paint is hard wearing. I have finished one mirror and plate, having simply used wire wool beforehand and spraying - no primer. It has lasted well enough (4months) and still looks good.

I painted the b pillar cover again without primer but this scratches very easily. I have prepared another using etch primer - will this help?

I have seen a Harley recently which was painted in matt purple and matt black and it looked fantastic.

Is there a secret to painting/maintaining matt paint? Perhaps Carl can shed some light? I want it to be hard wearing so it doesnt scratch too easily.

Any advice or know how would be appreciated. \:\)

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