Prior to moving to Greenlight in September I was insured with First Alternative - who at the time I thought were Ok... apart from taking 10 months to recover my excess from another insurance company when someone bumped me...
Anyway I get a new quote from Greenlight and decide to go with them - cheaper and less excess so I'm happy.
I cancel my DD to First Alt and write them a letter explaining DD stopped and returning the docs they had sent me (its the law apparently).
Thinking that was all I needed to do I continued on my merry way...
Some time later I get a letter from FA stating that they can't take my premium from my bank due to cancelled DD - I try to ring but after waiting on the line the call was ended by their phone system.... so I write again - explaning I've moved insurance companies and that's why DD was stopped and that they were informed in writing
before my premium started with Greenlight.
There have been a couple of letters since then which I have returned to the same effect - however they have asked for sight of my new insurance documents, so they can
Backdate the cancellation of my policy
this I haven't done as I don't see it any of their business. As far as I'm concerned I did what was required of me.
Next they pass on the 'debt' to a collection company who now threaten to affect my credit rating.... What the fccuk??
Can't call Greenlight until Tues for advice but can they legally do this?? I'm guessing I'll probably have to send a copy of my Greenlight docs but it just seems out of order to me - they are wasting my time for a service I told them I didn't want...