The plot thickens...
Yesterday I found out from a local member that his wife had traced an Instagram chappie who had taken several pics of T529, and from there had sent a message to someone she suspected might be the owner - she's now received a reply from aforesaid apparent owner suggesting that "he was selling but everything has a price"

And today - cleaning up outside after last evening's meet trip (it would rain after a sunny morning

a traffic warden pootled up the street on a scooter and stopped opposite me, dismounted (oh gawd I thought what's he after) and came over.....
"Do you know the Shore?" he says (area of Edinburgh around Leith and the coast)
Yes, I think I know what you're going to say..
"A blue one of these, been sitting there for ages, flat front tyre..."
Yup, and back, I say...
I cannot believe this guy (he lives down that way) took the trouble!