Last thursday another cabbage drove into my coop. i was in the outside lane of 2, a lorry cut across my front without indicating and when i eventually caught up with him he claims he never saw me at any point... my question is, even though (imo) it is clearly his fault i am being told i may still have to forfeit my rather heavy excess as there are ni independent winesses. this is the day after i got it back from motormech...... anybody with any similar experience of this?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I had a similar thing happen to me a few years back on my old 205 Gti, when I was reversed into by a big truck because the driver didn't see me. I was stationary at the time and the driver of the lorry admitted fault at the scene, but when it came to the claim he changed his story and said that I'd driven into the back of him.
I was fuming but with no witnesses its your word against theirs I'm afraid, and the claim was settled 50/50. This meant that I lost half of the excess I'd stumped up (£125 of £250).
Bummer I know but s**t happens and at least you're not hurt.
Quote: Last thursday another cabbage drove into my coop. i was in the outside lane of 2, a lorry cut across my front without indicating and when i eventually caught up with him he claims he never saw me at any point...
So he hit your car, but didn't stop immediately? That needs reporting to the police, with a statement from you. Hopefully having a formal statement and the location of the damage will disuade the other driver from avoiding responsability.
Use your legal cover and get formal letters sent to his incurance company, along with a crime number (if you get one).