Need some advice please.
Purchased my Coupe about 6 weeks ago from a forum member here.
Was very chuffed with my purchase and sported a huge grin every time I got in the thing.
Some 5 weeks after I bought it though, some age addled old woman in an Astra decides to drive directly into the back of me as I waited patiently at a roundabout.

Her: (Shrilly). “You stopped!!”.
Me: (Turning puce, Eyelid twitching) “It’s a roundabout. I stop at roundabouts when there are cars on them”
Her: (weirdly) “I’ve just filled up with petrol….” .
Must admit this bamboozled me slightly. She’s just smashed her radiator on the back of my coop and she’s twitching about the £20 quid’s worth of petrol she’s just put in it. Crazy old coot.
Anyway. Enough of my whinging. To cut a long story short. Body shop the insurance co directed me to(her ins admit full liability), put in a quote that was more than it is worth
Consequently it’s an “uneconomical to repair write off”. Gutted.
I will retain the “salvage” from the insurance company though and am pondering my next step. Would like some advice on what to do…..Sell for parts and start hunting again……, repair….., Any other suggestions?
Some facts.
Car is Bezzers old one. 99/T 20VT Speed red with aircon & leather. 59k miles. It was in extremely good nick.
I’ll let the pics attached do the talking, but to summarise the old bird hit me virtually dead square, slightly to the Kerbside. The Driverside rear wing is untouched. Boot door is punched in and the floor of the boot has folded in so that it’s pressing against the spare (which is now wedged in).
Also means the car can’t be locked as the boot catch does not engage and the central locking rejects.
Bumper is trashed.
Nearside wing is damaged and I think this is why it has been labelled a write off. Garage quote included putting it on the jig to check the chassis has not been bent.
As far as I know this is hugely expensive? They’ve based this on two tiny dents on the roof. In the photo’s I’ve left the Bodyshops markings on so you can see where. Have to say though these are barely visible to the naked eye. ( I spoke to the guy who did the quote and, in his words: “We’re not 100% sure it needs to go on the Jig”). I am pretty clueless on such subjects though.
Conscious that this post is getting long. I even have a copy of the quote the bodyshop did, so I have all the info, but can’t really decipher it to know if it is OTT.
Would prefer to repair it, but only if I am not going to be out of pocket hugely. advice/opinions greatly appreciated.