FYI: Reported on here last year that for my LE More Th>n came out a lot cheaper than Elephant renewal and any other quotes last year - AND I subsequently also did get the £75 bonus (not guaranteed) of a cashback for buying via their referral site.
Delighted to say that this year although my More Th>n renewal was 25% higher than last year and haggling with them on the phone they'd only reduce it by 10%, BUT going to their website and getting a fresh quote came in at just under last year's price (ie £100-£125 cheaper than most quotes which clustered in £400-£425 zone) AND as I went via Quidco there's the likelihood of a £65 bonus too.
A few tips I was reminded of when going through this year's insurance searching:
- ideally only start looking when you ARE ready to pay (eg credit card has just started another monthly statement cycle) as then you CAN just plump for a deal if/when offered one
- no point looking more than 30 days before renewal as many quote engines will either reject you or not give you a quote valid till when you do need it
- do make sure you do checkout cashback opportunities (ie Quidco and many other sites) though don't rely on it as it's never guaranteed until actually validated/claimed
- watch out for those excesses - More Th>n had sneakily increased from £250 last year to £400 this year
- playing with the excesses (where available) can make a big difference to xs and not necessarily to premium (remember was particularly true on CoOp CIS - initial changes meant only £2-5 more premium until a particular point when premium did leap)
Anyway glad a new More Th>n policy saved me at least £100 versus others (and their own renewal!) and hopefully £165!