Fiat Coupe Club UK

Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :(

Posted By: Anonymous

Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 14:12

Car just failed the MOT with a list of issues as long as my arm. Given the condition of the car its probably not worth fixing it. Is there much call for Spares & Repairs Coops or should I scrap it?

Really disappointed, it sailed through last year first time!


Oh well, I guess thats life as a Coop owner!

Posted By: szkom

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 14:37

Chin up. It can't be that bad!

What did it fail on? I bet a few questions in technical will get you on track with it. There's no way it passed last year and now it's terminal
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 14:41

Did you take it to a place that offered a cheap MOT?

Check out.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 14:53

Nope I took it to the same place that I have taken it a few times. It is getting pretty long in the tooth, I have been considering getting rid, the paintwork is pretty horrendous now so all in all its not a great car currently. Its been at the point recently where I did wonder about the cost to repair versus the cost of the car. I doubt its worth more than £500 at the moment.

I've just spoken on the phone to the garage, I don't have the full list, but its failed on emissions, rear brakes, handbrake strength, plus some other things that they didn't tell me over the phone, I suspect maybe suspension.

I think its probably the emissions that may be the reason its not worth sorting as that could be expensive if it is something major.

EDIT: Also it was the garage advising me not to repair, they are not trying to fleece me out of money by finding lots of faults.


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 15:11

Rear brakes at most;
- Regrease calipers to ensure proper movement
- New pads = £20
- New discs = £35
Handbrake cable adjustment (dirt cheap) or new cables £30

Emissions could be lots of things, but lambda, MAF clean etc..

NB: They didn't offer to buy the car off you did they?
Posted By: Gunzi

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 15:19

Get the full list and lets see how bad it is. As Nobby has said rear brakes are easy to sort.

Does your exhaust manifold have a crack in it?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 15:28

Originally Posted By: Wolfman
EDIT: Also it was the garage advising me not to repair, they are not trying to fleece me out of money by finding lots of faults

sounds like they dont like old italian cars, and dont want the job of fixing it either.

take it somewhere else....
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 16:09

Originally Posted By: Gunzi
Does your exhaust manifold have a crack in it?

Not sure, there is a kinda metallic rattle/vibration from the engine bay when revving when the car is cold (not very loud) which goes away when warm which could indicate a crack I guess?!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 16:46

is it a ticking type sound, if it is and goes away when warmed up, that could very well be a crack in the exhaust manifold
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 16:55

Well I don't want to turn this thread into one that should have been in the technical section.

But I think I might get rid anyway, its not the best example of a coop, the bonnet is rusting and peeling and the wing mirrors need a respray too. Probably use the missus' car for a while and save up for a new car - maybe another coop - I love(ed) my coop!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looks like I'm going to be Coop-less :( - 13/09/2012 17:23

Use the missus' car, save up and fix yours!

2nd hand bonnet and mirrors, job done - see it as an adventure and as a experiance. You'll love it even more when it owes you knuckle skin and pints of sweat and blood.
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