Fiat Coupe Club UK

Anyone have STARTREK device who can help

Posted By: Anonymous

Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 20:45

Hi, does anyone in London area or outside London ie Essex, Hetfordshire, Suffolk etc have the the Barnicle Startrek device, as Barnicle replied to one of my posts regarding my erractic idling and ghave useful advice. I have been having ongoing problems with my erractic bloody idling and have tried several solutions like" changing the ICV, changed the Lamba sensor, cleaned the throttle body, and only just yesterday put on new Throttle posistion sensor, and as you have guessed the idling goes to 1500 revs when stationary" however this doesn't happen all the time. I have spent quite a fair bit off money doing up my 20v turbo and there gets to a point where I cant keep replacing parts!!

BARNACLE has mentioned the following: ***The 20v throttle sensor is measured by the ECU when the ignition is turned on, and further measurements taken relative to that position. You can check with a widget, with a commercial reader, or with startrek that the value from the throttle is between *about* 9 at idle and *about* 90 wide open - note that the ECU does not provide throttle values unless the engine is running, which is a pain.
If the idle throttle value is about 9 and stable when on tickover, your problem is not there; best guess is an air leak. *********

So my last resort is to see if the idle valve opens to 9 at idle as mentioned above. Hopefully someone has the STARTREK software so I can hook it up to my coupe to see if any problems are detected. Hope someone can help as this is my last resort as I have tried lots of things and spent quite abit of money to try and find out what is wrong. If it only happened once in a while I wouldnt be to worried, however when your driving back from Heathrow ion slow moving traffic and it starts to idle erractic, it aint much fun rolleyes
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:08


Startrek is free software; just needs a few quid's worth of cables from eBay. Read about it/download it here:
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:11

You should have no problem finding someone local, but getting a kit of your own really is an investment worth making if you intend to keep the car. Especially if you're the kind who's anal about near-perfect running (and it seems you're the sort).

Assuming you already have a Windows laptop, the only thing you need to buy are the interface bits off eBay, which run at about £20-30 for the set I think.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:12

And just to add, the reason Startrek is free is because barnacle gifted it to the community, so if you ever bump into him please drown him in beer.

If you're ever in Malaysia barnacle send me a message and I will pay my dues. laugh
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:26

I thought of that, and I have just one problem, the laptop I use at home is my partners work laptop, and there's no way she aint going to let me take that outside of the flat and take the laptop into the car park and if I was to drop that or even scratch it then I darent think what would happen as she has important documents on it" need I say more smile . Cant really afford to buy a seperate laptop at the moment, otherwise l would, however i will gladly give someone some cash who can help as I don't expect anyone to do it for free. My last resort is Roger at Power Italia who people keep mentioning and for him to find any faults and do some air leak test, however in the last 5 months Ive spent over £1500 on my coupe and now its getting abit expensive to get a garage to try to find a fault when their diagnostic equipment may not even detect anything. Again Ive just wasted £45 on a TPS in the last 2 days.
Posted By: Punto16VT

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:41

I have a couple of spare, older laptops and the Startrek software and USB to 3-pin cables, which I've successfully connected to my 16VT ECU before now, if you're desperate for a quick fix. I'm relatively available much of the time, if you can get to Guildford OK. PM me if you need directions etc.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 21:49

PUNTO 16VT very decent of you, if i cant find anyone nearer then you then I will take up your offer, however don't worry about the laptops mate, to be honest I need to try this STARTREK software one time only, as nothing else is wrong with the coupe and it been very reliable except the idling. If the STRATREK software cant detect anything then I'm giving up, and will just have to put up with it, not alot else I can do smile
Posted By: Ryan20VT

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 22:06

Check the small rubber pipe that plugs into the fuel pressure regulator next to the idle control valve, even a wee hole will mess things up.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Anyone have STARTREK device who can help - 23/09/2012 22:25

Hi Ryan, fairly sure that would have been checked anyway, as l think someone mentioned that to me before, however l will take a quick look at it again. Thanks.
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