Fiat Coupe Club UK

Mate being messed around by garage

Posted By: Anonymous

Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 10:47

A friend of mine is having awful trouble getting his coupe fixed by a garage. He arranged to have the car (a non starter due to knackered phase sensor) transported to a coupe specialist on June 27th to be fixed. When he got there, they were closed for the day and hadn't bothered to tell him! He had thought it would be repaired and MOT'd that day and he could drive home. As they were closed, he had to leave the car there and wait 5 hours for his dad to collect him.

On the Monday, they tested the car and it started and all seemed well, but on the Friday when it was due to be collected, it would not start and they were to fix it. The garage hadn't got the parts in at that point, despite a diagnostic having been done previously by Fiat.

The part was due in Monday, then it was Tuesday and then Friday just gone and they were going to work on it asap on Friday. However, when the owner called up the garage for an update on Friday, no answer (nor yesterday).

My friend works Monday to Friday most of the time and he has spent enough time messing around with work for it and it's like wtf? He lives 2 hours from the garage and has to rely on others to take him there.

The garage seems to be uncontactable, he has had to buy a cheap banger to get around. He is also having to insure the coupe, but he doesn't actually know where it is parked etc, so is a little concerned in case something happens to it.

He is at a bit of a loss as to what to do and is looking for advice. I have suggested CAB... Any other ideas? smile
Posted By: samsite999

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 12:09

first point of call is to call the garage on monday, if there is no reply, go down there and see whats going on.
Give the garage a chance to explain first. Every one makes mistakes, its how it gets dealt with thats important. If you cant make contact on monday. It letter time, specify a deadline of Friday for contact. If there is no contact call the police and report the car stolen.

IF you get in to contact before then..

I would ask for discount as you friend has very clearly been messed about, in fact i would expect the mot to be done for free as a show of good will and some of the travel costs refunded. There is simply no excuse at all for the garage in question not doping a email or a call to your friend

I would be careful of naming names and burning bridges (although we all know who your talking about) before a solution can be offered.

when and if this is resolved, then make a post about the experience in full and who was involved. coupe specialist or not, we all have a right to make are own minds up from the experiences of others. It should also help reinforce the point that its just not cricket to piss some one about, but more importantly not keep them informed.

Im sure that if you mate had been offered a reasonable explanation to the delay. he/she would not be have as angree as she/he is now
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 12:12

Cheers Sam
He can't drive there as it's a 2 hour drive each way and he has to work - I am sure if it was local, he would have been able to sort this by now
As for MOT, the garage is telling him that he has to get it done himself
The tax has also run out on the car and it is SORN, which makes it more complicated still - wasn't able to tax on 30 June as MOT expired on 26th
Posted By: samsite999

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 12:23

that is a bit of a mess isn't it cry

i don't understand if they were willing to fix the part and get it MOT'd before, why they are not now?

if it was me..i would give the garage a chance to explain, get the work done because there is no point paying for yet more transporting of the car. get the mot done locally to the garage, and hope it passes.

if it fails on something silly, get the garage to do the work (see if you can mend the relationship there) if its a shopping list bring it back home and get some one else you have a little more trust for to do the work
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 12:27

I understand they will check the car over before the MOT - better do!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:05

Originally Posted By: samsite999

I would be careful of naming names and burning bridges (although we all know who your talking about)

i don't...... frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:09

Not going to name until car fixed and back with owner smile And maybe not even then if a quick and satisfactory resolution is reached, with some sort of compensatory offer
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:14

i accept pm's.......... laugh
Posted By: samsite999

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:20

^ no, no names, as said before the garage, well any garage really should always be given the chance to explane the situation, and resolve it first before a public slanging match is started.
If i was a garage, i would want to be given the opportunity first to make good on the relationship. It could well be something like illness has got in the way?

any how, naming and shaming is never a good idea unless all other routes have been traveld
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:39

I have also just found out that my friend has also lost £80 on a hotel booking when he had been told the car was ok (he was going to have to stay nearby when collecting)!!

They didn't actually check early on whether the car was indeed ok on the day it was due to be collected and they did not phone to say there was an issue until 4pm by which time it was too late to cancel!! grr

Compensation should definitely be sought - should fix the car for free or at least just the parts should be charged in my opinion!

Sam - illness is still no excuse in my opinion when there are several people who work there, only takes a quick text!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 15:42

I have to say I am shocked and appalled by the way this person has been treated...I think some garages may believe that being a 'specialist' exempts them from providing customer service...
Posted By: cooper

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 21:41

Can your friend not speak for their-self? Sounds like bad service though. Perhaps they should join the club.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 21:43

He could, but then everyone would know who the specialist is and as ^^^ do not want to expose until they have had a chance to redeem themselves. How would being a club member help? He does use the forum
Posted By: cooper

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 21:56

I think it's a little unfair using a moderator 'friend' to suss the problem. I wouldn't like to use a recommended(?) garage if this is how they could act. Bad service is bad service and should be exposed, regardless of 'compensation'.

I thought being a club member would guarantee you a new car should yours go wrong?

Sorry for the over use of apostrophes, I'm doing the finger action too!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 22:01

He didn't ask me because I am a moderator smile

I don't understand the bit about being a club member confused

This isn't a question of compensation, but given the situation, some sort of recompense should be offered surely?
Posted By: coupedummy

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 22:12

I do think all experiences should be exposed,this allows us as a customer to make up our on mind based on reputation. Good experiences taken with the bad and how they resolve the situation after. As we know the guy in mind may read this,suddenly resolve theissue to save face an we as potential customers know no better.

Not saying slag the bad down just honest review of the experince with there chosen garage.maybe once resolved discuss the outcome and resolution

Hope they get sorted,I'd expect something out of courtesy from situation
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 22:16

Friend wants his car back and sorted asap, once this is done it is up to him as to whether he wants to go into more detail and name smile
Posted By: cooper

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 22:16

The club member bit was tongue in cheek. A moderator should be impartial?

I absolutely agree with the last part, just surprised you got involved.

Now I'm trying to justify my post. I really don't care about the ins and outs. This place has been so helpful to me over the years, the my friend bit reminds me of school.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 12/07/2009 22:24

I am impartial but the situation is getting out of hand and he needs the car back asap without any more hassle crazy

Why should I be impartial in such a situation - I haven't mentioned any names even though others are asking for details smile

Something could have been said far sooner but the garage is being given the chance to rectify the situation
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:07

Originally Posted By: coupedummy
I do think all experiences should be exposed,this allows us as a customer to make up our on mind based on reputation. Good experiences taken with the bad and how they resolve the situation after.

i agree with this, maybe a bit like the system of feedback amazon uses. i know i was (tongue in cheek, sam) asking for details but, as others have said, we're quick to praise the good experiences thus pushing custom their way but too slow (imo) to publish the bad for fearing the reverese, whilst others are still going there ignorant of the issues. it doesn't really allow people an objective view on what services they're getting from forum-recommended services.

just a pennies worth...
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:21

Originally Posted By: proccy
Originally Posted By: coupedummy
I do think all experiences should be exposed,this allows us as a customer to make up our on mind based on reputation. Good experiences taken with the bad and how they resolve the situation after.

i agree with this, maybe a bit like the system of feedback amazon uses. i know i was (tongue in cheek, sam) asking for details but, as others have said, we're quick to praise the good experiences thus pushing custom their way but too slow (imo) to publish the bad for fearing the reverese, whilst others are still going there ignorant of the issues. it doesn't really allow people an objective view on what services they're getting from forum-recommended services.

just a pennies worth...

I agree as well. Not saying that people should quickly post their bad experiences immediately before awaiting rectification, but if theres a bad review, theres a bad review...let it be known. I remember somebody posting up their negative review about garage and was subsequently burnt down by other forum members.
Posted By: Nellybear

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:30

Vic's has said she's isn't going to name names (yet). So wind ya necks in laugh

........who is it Vic laugh laugh

I would be seaking compersation and a written explaination in his/her situation thumb
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:31

Not wishing to fan the flames but there are always three sides to an dissagreement.

Your side, their side and the truth.
Posted By: Sedicivalvole

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:36

Well my opinion as you have asked for it laugh

I would and do want to know the name of the garage that is involved. I am adult enough to understand that there are two sides to each story and that what gets put up is likely to reflect only one side.

However I would still like to know.
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:39

Correct. Very rarely can the truth be known though.

The suggestion of having a feedback system is good. It allows people to put in their honest feedback. What I'm saying is that when someone comes in and says he/she is not happy, other forum member (whom obviously had positive experience) is quick to burn that person down just because they have had a good experience and because others say so. That seems abit single sided to me.
Posted By: Sedicivalvole

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:47

I completely agree with the above.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 10:55

I agree as well.

If the truth is told then it cannot be libelous.

If nothing but praise is allowed to be written, then the garage will end up with a good reputation when they don't deserve it. More innocent people will use them and get their fingers burned.
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:03

Part of the reason why i mentioned the above is because I had personal experience of using a prominent 'forum approved' garage and was left with an inconvenient experience (not totally negative, but inconvenient nevertheless). This left me abit disappointed as i expected more from a specialist that the forum has long worshipped.

I know humans make mistakes but the forum said he was god! laugh

I was contemplating if i should mention anything on the forum but ended up not doing so as i knew it would be blasphemy.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:07

Guys - let's all just wait for it to be resolved now smile
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:08

okay smile
Posted By: Cappo

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:14

Agree that caution needs to be exercised here - phrases like "forum approved" narrow the field down massively, so unless you have something concrete to say about a specific person/business, and can/are prepared to substantiate it, it's best left non-specific.
Posted By: JimO

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:17

No-one has said "forum approved" in the context of this issue though tongue

Also, the forum approves no garages, they are just recommendations wink
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:22

Hence putting them in inverted commas wink

Whats wrong with narrowing down the field though? Am I not allowed to let others know what i experienced? whether or not it is a specialist or a barnyard garage is irrelevant.
Posted By: JimO

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:26

I was referring to Cappo, not your post smile

If yours is a founded experience and founded on truth and not hearsay then I see no problem on airing your experience smile
Posted By: Cappo

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:29

Originally Posted By: JimO
No-one has said "forum approved" in the context of this issue though tongue

The term was used above though - Kelv, not targeting you, I'm just saying (to everyone) if you have an issue which is real and which you can stand by, then say so and say who it is and let the other party respond; however, if you're just a bit generally pissed off with a garage "known" to this forum but won't be specific and justify your actions, then that's not good for anyone as all it does is leave everyone to speculate on who you're talking about and what they did/didn't do.
Posted By: Kelv27

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:47

Sorry i didn't make this clear. When i mentioned 'forum approved' i was implying to the experience i had..nothing to do with the situation in which this thread was started upon.

My issue is nothing to shout about. The other party was contacted and the issue couldn't be rectified due to circumstances which neither me nor the person could blame. I'm not trying to attack any particular garage. What I am saying is that the forum doesn't really allow people to speak freely of their experiences of a well known garage?

As mentioned, i remember reading another thread whereby the forum member wasn't very happy..the other party responded but it was inconclusive and he still wasn't happy...its a situation whereby no one will ever know what the truth is without it going into litigation. However, the fact is that the person is unhappy and is entitled to give a negative feedback. Let that feedback be known.

If you look at the feedback system on ebay, you are allowed to put a negative feedback and if the situation is resolved, you can easily revoke it.

Not trying to antagonize anybody...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 11:51

This started on the 27th June. It's now 13th July!!!!
The garage keeps putting him off (I'm assuming for the past fortnight)
They are now uncontactable and your mate doesn't even know where his car is anymore!!!!

It is completely inexcusable behaviour on the garages part. To say everyone deserves a chance to rectify the issue is laughable. Utterly utterly laughable.

I'd be beating down their door, naming and shaming them and never returning any work their way again.

This reminds me of a tale a neighbour told me about. Turned out the garage had taken the motor out for a spin and crashed it. Then gave the guy the runaround for nearly 4 weeks. Unfortunately for the garage the owner of the car was good friends with a guy who worked in a body shop and knew the car. And was able to tell on not too close of an inspection that the car had had new panels fitted and sprayed.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 12:45

I'm not sure if Pistonheads are a bit OTT with regard to this, but they wont allow ANY name and shame threads due to fear of legal repercussions.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 12:52

As long as what is stated is the truth there can be no legal reprecussions.

Also, isn't there sites out there for rating tradesmen?
Posted By: Rog20VT

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 12:53

Originally Posted By: Vickster
Guys - let's all just wait for it to be resolved now smile

I think you should make 'note to self' on this own bit of advice grr rolleyes

Its been very difficult to sit on my fingers and not respond to this post up until now.

Its been an incredible thread which only highlights that an over zealous reaction is very foolish indeed considering the following FACTS:

1. The 'friend' in question had NOT sanctioned his situation to be discussed over the forum nor had he approved it.

2. He has been liasing with the garage through EVERY step of the way and had been informed of the processes and is in FULL picture of all the hows, whys and when...(The customer was not told the car is ready, so garage cannot be held responsible for customers logistic plans! In fact customer had told the garage the earliest he can pick up the car is 18th July)

Making analysis on one's own opinion and commenting on third hand information is gossip and this is no basis for a fair review. Good or bad.

This post has not prompted any accelerated resolution as the customer and garage agreement has not changed its original course.. No forum power here im afraid!

The customer and garage have been in contact with eachother and customer has NOT expressed any complaints nor is there any foul play on the behalf of the garage.

The only foul play to me, seems to be from an over zealous self appointed representative who has believed the ONLY logical action must be to consult the forum FIRST without obtaining full facts rolleyes
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:01

Quite incredible that there's two versions of the same incident that are so at odds with eachother.
Posted By: oxfordSteve

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:02

Incredible? Isn't it always the way!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:07

Yes I should have known better than to say that, considering I've just had a lengthy court battle with a garage whose version of events where completely at odds to mine.
Posted By: samsite999

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:22

i'm very surprised at how different the story's are, having now heard/read both sides... some one has been a little economical with the truth

I was told no contact had been made
no finish date had been given
and that the person had not wanted to go in person to make there own comment for the back lash complaining about a well respected garage. he had indeed sanctioned the post and asked for it to be made on his behaf

as ever, there are two sides to a story, and i suspect ill never know what really happened and who is telling the 100% truth here. mabe its now time for the member to come forth and lets here this first hand from the horses mouth
Posted By: JimO

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:34

In all honesty, why on earth does this matter to you rolleyes

With respect, these posts are only made silly by people sticking their tuppence in, where quite frankly, its not needed or even useful.
Posted By: Cappo

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:46

Yep, I'm also struggling to understand where anyone is adding any benefit to this entire situation, including this thread, and I think it's time it was locked. The parties involved should take it to a privtae discussion using a media of their own preference and bringing in friends if they think they need to.
Posted By: samsite999

Re: Mate being messed around by garage - 13/07/2009 13:48

because i have seeing people get taken the piss out of, simple as that. the lad involved is a nice chap but sadly doesn't have the balls to say anything him self.
On this occasion im not sure i was being told the hole truth, this is why i also said let the garage offer a reson before every one jumps on a bandwagon, lets here there side. there could be a very good reason for all of this....which there seems to be.

As regards your last statement, well, i dont know were to start. how about angree bitter chip on shoulder mods who couldn't mod there way out of a paper bag? You clearly don't care for the people you are here help, people are entitled to there opinions and thoughts. And i will be voicing mine at the next agm
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