Fiat Coupe Club UK

What are you doing this weekend?

Posted By: Anonymous

What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 11:22

Well its the last Bank Holiday weekend until Christmas, what are you doing with it?

Personally, now that i've purchased a load of shiny engine bay bits, i've decided to give the engine bay a real good clean armed with a toothbrush and a few expendable cloths.

Follow this with a clean of the interior and the exterior and the car should be beautiful by Tuesday.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 11:54

Get yourself some autoglym engine and machine cleaner truffle it's greta stuff and Halfords have 3 for 2 on all cleaning products at the moment too!!

Well this weekend I have my lad as the ex is getting all her school stuff ready for the beginning of term, she's a teacher.
So been chilling out this morning, fitted new coupe richbrook tax disc holder, played a lot of "Street Sliderz" scalextric with the lad and been watching spongebob squarepants too!!
Put two loads of washing out on the line and just put another load in, going on holiday a week wednesday so sorting the washing out ready.
Just having lunch now, might pop to the driving range with the lad as he loves it, wash the coupe, check out the dodgy brake light and make sure all fluid levels are ok.
if I get a chance I'll swap the centre console over for the mint one out of my red coupe too.
The girlfriend is gonna make cakes with the lad after so might go out for a bike ride for a couple of hours, gotta love the bloody windy weather too!!
Then tomorrow morning will be spent chilling and watching tele, if i get the chance I'll be taking the carpet out the red coupe ready to be sent off, sold it!
The try and go on the bike for a couple of hours again!!
monday will just be spent chilling out, play with the coupe and bike ride again, not as long this time though as I have a time trial tuesday evening.

Well you did ask!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 12:39

Originally Posted By: coupedave
Get yourself some autoglym engine and machine cleaner truffle it's greta stuff and Halfords have 3 for 2 on all cleaning products at the moment too!!

Well this weekend I have my lad as the ex is getting all her school stuff ready for the beginning of term, she's a teacher.
So been chilling out this morning, fitted new coupe richbrook tax disc holder, played a lot of "Street Sliderz" scalextric with the lad and been watching spongebob squarepants too!!
Put two loads of washing out on the line and just put another load in, going on holiday a week wednesday so sorting the washing out ready.
Just having lunch now, might pop to the driving range with the lad as he loves it, wash the coupe, check out the dodgy brake light and make sure all fluid levels are ok.
if I get a chance I'll swap the centre console over for the mint one out of my red coupe too.
The girlfriend is gonna make cakes with the lad after so might go out for a bike ride for a couple of hours, gotta love the bloody windy weather too!!
Then tomorrow morning will be spent chilling and watching tele, if i get the chance I'll be taking the carpet out the red coupe ready to be sent off, sold it!
The try and go on the bike for a couple of hours again!!
monday will just be spent chilling out, play with the coupe and bike ride again, not as long this time though as I have a time trial tuesday evening.

Well you did ask!!

Bloody hell
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 12:42

My girlfriend laughs at my because my idea of relaxing is doing something!!
I just am not capable of sitting doing nothing!!!
The driving range has now changed to tomorrow and we are going to play football instead as i can't be bothered driving anywhere today but don't mind walking!!
That said the girlfriend has only just got up the lazy mare!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 13:42

Car wise, I need to put petrol and screenwash in...exciting eh laugh

Today I have gone some way to recovering from my hangover sick , done a load of washing, had my hair cut, been to Tesco, friend coming over to visit estate agents, so she can hopefully find a place and move away from her waster husband

Tomorrow if the weather is fine, might pop the bike on the train to London and have a ride around the city with a few Starbucks stops. If not, I may go to the office and have a monster clear out in preparation from the clear desk policy that comes in on the 4th ...eeek shocked

Monday, enjoy the forecast sunshine and go to friends for a bbq smile
Posted By: MrCooper

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 14:05

I write this sitting in my hammock under the grape vine in my back garden with a lager shandy next to me.

Girlfriend out until 6pm so, perhaps, when I lever myself out of here I will have a potter with the coupe.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 15:09

Two parties in two days !!!!!! laugh
Posted By: mattB

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 15:26

On a boat. Middle of the north sea. Waiting for some decent weather. zzz
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 15:40

Well this engine bay cleaning thing is a bit infectious. I've now removed the horns and will pop to Halfords tomorrow to buy some nice new ones.

Am also going to remove the holding bracket and give it a good going over with galvanising spray.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 16:57

funny thing that as changing the horns and cleaning the bracket is one of the best things to do to clean up the engine bay I think!!
got a bargain at the tatton park show last weekend, a pair of horns for £7!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:00

just been out on a speed boat down at Weymouth, party later and hitting town again tomorrow. The joys of owning a broken down coupe laugh
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:03

god makes my day sound mundane and boring!!
Posted By: samsite999

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:11

Wanted to do something nice with the other half as I have been away all week, and she is away all next week. I thought what better way to treat her than taking her out for a drive in the country side....and then called in at county cruising to pick up some coupe bits ! laugh I then followed this up by making her put fuel in the car, and rounded up by calling in to a cafe and having two great meals, drinks, and pudding....and then passing her the bill
It must be love because its dam sure not my body
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:13

sounds like a great weekend!! I was on the phone to Joe earlier, might be popping there myself soon!!
Posted By: MattyB

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:17

Last night got so drunk i lost all my feelings, this morning did a 20 mile bike ride round rutland water (With a tremendous hangover), chilling this evening and shopping tomorrow smile
Posted By: Sedicivalvole

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:19

Sleeping and watching some TV.
Posted By: Baz76

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:28

I've been changing my timing belt,water pump,phase sensor,"coolant hose of death" and fitting a Pro Alloy radiator in place of my old rusty rad.

Tomorrow I might install my Greddy laugh .

Baz smile
Posted By: jas_racing

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:39

Originally Posted By: coupedave
My girlfriend laughs moans endlessly at me because my idea of relaxing is doing something!!
I just am not capable of sitting doing nothing!!!

Same here! Although with one slight correction...

Today I've treated my Plus to a "no-rinse" wash, cleaned & treated the wheels & tyres, polished & Rain-X'd the windscreen, vacuumed the interior, "detailed" the dash & console, cleaned & conditioned (Glyptone) the leather and finally replaced manky old wheel bolts for brand new shiny ones smile

Tomorrow I'm off to check out a Honda VFR 750 my bro is thinking of buying, watching the GP then cleaning my GF's 20V NA inside & out...not sure what to do on Monday as yet chinny
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:46

Stand back and admire your hard work with a beer!!
Posted By: jas_racing

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 17:50

Originally Posted By: coupedave
Stand back and admire your hard work with a beer!!

You must be psychic or something - I'm doing precisely that! thumb
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 18:15

Was at the N. Ireland Italian Motor Club meet today for a couple of hours. Came home and slept all afternoon.

But apart from maybe going out for a few jars tonight, I plan to do nothing. Mainly because in the last two and half weeks of my summer hols I've done nothing but decorate.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 18:23

Just spent the day at Bewl Water and cycling round it plus picnic. Going to play some Guitar Hero World Tour soon, me on drums, girlfriend on guitar...rock on!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 20:04

playing football tomorrow (again) played are first saturday league game today and lost 5 - 3 frown and our second sunday league game in the morning, hen its come home to sit down and recover. might was the bravo on monday if the weather is nice enough.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 29/08/2009 23:44

Sitting around on a rig in the north sea waiting for the wind to stop blowing so hard!!!!

Also trying to resist the temptation to buy more parts for the coop smile
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 07:37

Working 9-9 saturday frown
Watching Belguim grand prix sunday laugh
Morgreen show with family Monday laugh
Might be working Tuesday rolleyes
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 09:03

well been up since half six with my lad!!
been on here a bit, ebay a bit anf watched loads of Tom and Jerry and now Spongebob!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 13:54

Went into London, cycled around past all the big sights, managed not to get squashed by buses (I had not truly realised how many of the wretched things there are). A fab way to get around central London, pretty much flat, far quicker than public transport wink

Took some piccies Shame the weather wasn't better rolleyes
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 14:47

Lashing it down here, bloody crap weather!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 14:54

Playing cricket and drinking. Saw Inglorious Basterds last night and really enjoyed it, very sharp dialogue and great characters (apart from Eli Roth who was dreadful).
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 15:15

Well today has been productive, an early trip to halfords for one of their Halfords Professional ratchet spanner sets which is currently half price and a set of new horns.

After removing the horn bracket it looked like this:

click to enlarge

And with the use of this:
click to enlarge

a wire brush, and about 30 minutes, I brought it up looking like this:

click to enlarge

A quick sand and a wipe down later it was ready to be sprayed. This gives me the chance to demonstrate the 'bungie' technique I described in my recent Strut Brace how-to.

click to enlarge

Using this method i can spray the item (i hang it outside whilst spraying) then bring it back into the garage and leave it hanging to dry.

As it is at the moment, with one coat of galvanising spray on it:

click to enlarge
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 20:29

Originally Posted By: Vickster
Went into London, cycled around past all the big sights, managed not to get squashed by buses (I had not truly realised how many of the wretched things there are). A fab way to get around central London, pretty much flat, far quicker than public transport wink

Took some piccies Shame the weather wasn't better rolleyes

The taxis in london are much worse than the buses, so many of the drivers are vindictive [censored]. Happy to put you into a fence and drive off laughing... Gah. You're right though, definitely the way to get around London. Saves a fortune too.
Posted By: samsite999

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 20:33

This is what I did, and may follow on with some stuff tomorrow, although need to get real work done

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 20:36

Originally Posted By: philiplazyjourno
Originally Posted By: Vickster
Went into London, cycled around past all the big sights, managed not to get squashed by buses (I had not truly realised how many of the wretched things there are). A fab way to get around central London, pretty much flat, far quicker than public transport wink

Took some piccies Shame the weather wasn't better rolleyes

The taxis in london are much worse than the buses, so many of the drivers are vindictive censored. Happy to put you into a fence and drive off laughing... Gah. You're right though, definitely the way to get around London. Saves a fortune too.

Buses are much bigger tho shocked Bendy buses too are satan's work
Posted By: samsite999

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 20:44

The hatred list I have is

motorbike courier, there complete gits who would ride over your car if they thought it would get them to there detonation faster.

Buses, they will pull out on you regardless, and they work in packs. It there is the opportunity to crush you in-between two buses, they will take it

city workers on bikes, 80% of them are intent on placing there heads under your wheels

Taxies, If they see you have a sat nav in your car, your already dead.....

and every one else bar me...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 20:59

Just got home from a wonderful week away in France! Started driving back from Lectoure on Saturday, stayed in Saint Nazaire opposite the WW2 U Boat pens last night
click to enlarge

I love this kind of thing it's a massive building!
After all that I get back and find the coupe all safe and sound on the drive and also just confirmed Joe can fit a new clutch on Wednesday - Happy Days!
Posted By: sugerbear

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 22:14

Taking my vinci to the banger racing at Ipswich tomorrow.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 22:15

bit harsh that really!!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 30/08/2009 23:50

Originally Posted By: Vickster
Originally Posted By: philiplazyjourno
Originally Posted By: Vickster
Went into London, cycled around past all the big sights, managed not to get squashed by buses (I had not truly realised how many of the wretched things there are). A fab way to get around central London, pretty much flat, far quicker than public transport wink

Took some piccies Shame the weather wasn't better rolleyes

The taxis in london are much worse than the buses, so many of the drivers are vindictive [censored]. Happy to put you into a fence and drive off laughing... Gah. You're right though, definitely the way to get around London. Saves a fortune too.

Buses are much bigger tho shocked Bendy buses too are satan's work

That's true. I tend to sit in front of bendy buses where possible, there's not much they can do if they're stuck behind me! Thankfully the route I take has stops every 50yrds or so, so once you overtake a bus they never really catch up...
Posted By: samsite999

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 31/08/2009 07:58

I wont be doing much today, Even the notion of spinning my head left or right makes me wince, Im just not built for this fiat coupe ownership lark
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 31/08/2009 11:19

Not doing anything much apart from laying around, just had back surgury the doc cut out parts of my discs in my spine to release a trapped nerve cry
I now have a 7inch cut on my lower back!
Can't drive my coupe for a least a couple of weeks cry
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What are you doing this weekend? - 31/08/2009 11:30

I had the same surgery about 15 years ago...feel for you ... I couldn't drive for 6 weeks or work for 12

You'll be glad you have had it done when you are pain free smile
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