Fiat Coupe Club UK

dissapointing RR

Posted By: Anonymous

dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 02:05

after having my coop now for about 6 months i thought it time to get it on the rolling road and see whats what, after all the service history says its got a "ecu upgrade chip" and "uprated turbo", unfortunatly it doesn't give any details as to whats been fitted.

So down i go to the rolling road on wednesday and i was kinda hoping for 250 bhp as it had been "chipped".
Anyways the guy comes through after doing it and says i don't think you will be to happy and hands me the print out.
198bhp !!!! wtf.

I don't have a scanner to show the print out but basically he said that the car was ridiculously over fueling, running 9-1 ratio on petrol. this really meant nothing to me but then he said there show car (scooby) running 280 bhp was only running 11-1 ratio. I have made comments on here before about my teribble fuel consumption but always been convinced its either the way i drive or the route i go to work on the back roads.

He said he rekons its the chip that has been installed that is causing the over fueling and poor results plus it was damm hot but i want your opinions. also he said the turbo doesn't look any different from a standard one, maybe its just a replacement as my car is coming up to 100K

Considering that he maybe right i have sent grahamL a pm (which i have got a read receipt for but no reply) asking for details on a gtec1 as thats what most of you are using and seem to have little problems with, but i am not getting any replys, is there any other ways i can contact him and get my hands on one.

secondly if i manage to get a gtec1 chip and fit it, will i need the red key when i start it up ?? what problems if any has anyone had ?

Obviously my dream car is slowly but surely grinding me down and any help on this topic would be very appreiciated.


Posted By: pinin_prestatyn

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 02:49

You could be running a chip like the superchip which is reknowned (sic) for mega overfuel. Stick a G-Tech in for £35 and then get her back on the rollers, that should at least disprove one theory. Good luck!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 03:20

As Pinin says, get a GTEC1 and try it again. GrahamL often takes a little while to answer his PMs, so give him a day or two .

As far as the turbo is concerned, a hybrid will look identical to the standard one from the outside (it has a different compressor wheel and bearing inside that gives it the extra performance ), so don't worry too much.

Basically, get the fuelling right and you will be surprised how much difference it can make. My car want from 275ish to 304 after the Unichip was fitted, and that basically only changed the fuelling from mega rich to normal.

The other thing to consider is the boost control. If you are running a standard EBV you will not hold enough boost at the top end to get a decent power figure. PM Cosmograph for one of his PRVs, and you can significantly improve this for a little over £20 . Once fitted with a GTEC chip, you will be pleasantly surprised by the difference . You might not get 250bhp, but it should be comfortably the fun side of 200.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 04:21

Ah this coupe tuning malarky. Im the exact oppisite mate with terrible under fueling or running "lean".

One thing we do have in common though is that I need a Gtec1 chip for Tuesday, I PM'd GrahamL ages ago but have yet to recieve a reply. At this rate Im going to have to go for 2 RR visits which ofcourse I have 2 pay for twice .

Please Graham L if you're out there I can paypal you the £35 quid now .
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 05:18

sorry to sound stupid but what is EBV?

thanks for the help so far, I really want the Gtec1 please GrahamL.

any other ideas for instance if i get her back to 220 is it worth attempting to go for 300 bhp (a long way off i know) or could there be something seriously wrong or damaged because of this.

Thanks again.
Posted By: Saint

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 06:29

EBV = Electronic Boost Valve

The little valve with lowers boost in first and second gear (to near the actuator level) and runs more than the actuator setting in the higher gears.
Posted By: Saint

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 06:32

High 200's is relatively easy to get so no reason not to go for it, Sounds like you may already have a upgraded turbo, but would pay to get the engine health checked first by a professional (compression test etc)
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 08:42

ebv controls the wastegate actuator.

the wastegate actuator controls the wastegate.

the wastegate allows exhaust gases to bypass the turbine
of the turbocharger thus reducing the amount of boost
created by the turbo.

good read :-

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 13:18

I've had the same silent treatment from GrahamL.

Is he out there? Perhaps on holiday? Maybe passed away? I think we should be told..!

Graham! There's money to be made, sir. Wake up!
Posted By: JimO

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 13:29

Graham only tends to come on line once a week or so and then answers all his emails on mass. He will appear don't worry.
Posted By: Rog20VT

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 13:59

possibly your throttle cable needs adjusting.
Posted By: Freddan72

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 17:12

If you have been running rich all the time maybe your catalytist is damaged? Have you checked your emissions?

GrahamL also sells Gtec1 on I can´t remember his name there. Anyone?
Posted By: JohnS

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 17:21

I'd suggest you check your engine for wear as you are 'washing the bores' with too much fuel which means that the oil is unable to do its job at lubricating the pistons because the fuel is washing it off the bores.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 14/07/2006 17:39

I will definatley get my car booked in for a compression test asap any ideas on how much i should be looking to pay and is there anything else i should get checked whilst its in the garage ?

I can't find anything on ebay to do with Gtec1 or Gtec2.

Please help.

Thanks for the info above, its very interesting.

Is the PRV easy to intall ? i will send cosmo a PM for details and get one ordered.

Thanks guys
Posted By: Freddan72

Re: dissapointing RR - 17/07/2006 17:32

GrahamL´s name on ebay is traumax (I think).
I searched on "fiat coupe chip" .

Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo Tuning chip
Posted By: Trappy

Re: dissapointing RR - 17/07/2006 18:49

Maybe, just maybe, it was a hot day (coops really do suffer in the heat), the intake temps were high sitting on the rollers, and with 100k miles on the clock she is just a little tired? Losing 10% power after 100k miles is pretty good i would have thought...

Get the bits done by all means, but there's not always a problem when the power isn't exactly the same as standard. A standard coop might have only put out 210bhp out of the factory afterall.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: dissapointing RR - 19/07/2006 20:35

PM read and replied to now, apologies for the delay.
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