Fiat Coupe Club UK

These days in F1

Posted By: Kayjey

These days in F1 - 03/07/2013 13:58

Signed card auction

= funny to see how Webber's card is worth the most... double that of Vettel. laugh

Anyway - F1.

Can't help but question all the politics these days in F1. The move towards the Eastern tracks where the cars are greeted by thousands of empty seats. The decisions about controlling one single tyre manufacturer instead of the healty competition we used to see with GoodYear, Bridgestone and Michelin. The added decision that new tyres will be tested at Silverstone - with hopefully equally warm conditions but nevertheless with drivers who won't be pushing all that hard - 'young drivers'.

Teams might be making decisions on their own, but we've seen a couple of years of tyre problems now. They have been a deciding factor in the last 20 or so races - except 2 or 3. Teams may be swapping left and right to even out wear, but if that is a know case, Pirelli shouldn't have made handed tyres.

It all sounds a bit crazy to me. I think Webber's made the right decision.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: These days in F1 - 03/07/2013 15:19

I have a sneaky suspiscion had it been on a German specific ebay the Vettel one would be going for considerably more.

Webber is very popular here in good old blighty.
Posted By: whatmoretyres

Re: These days in F1 - 03/07/2013 15:32

Plus of course signed f1 stuff by him is now finite, god knows how long SV is going to be in it still, so plenty of time to get his.

Around Kayjey's point, part of me says it should be flat out all the time, no budget caps and loads of competition and different tech. But then on the other hand, willfully not driving within the limits of the equipment as at the weekend, sees you losing the race.

Best enjoy it and not take it too seriously!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: These days in F1 - 03/07/2013 15:47

F1 should be traeted as a test bed for where car technology is going, as it always has been. To allow the teams to do this they need fans to watch so sponsors pay and the road cars that share the name have a bit of a wow factor. The problem is it's become a business and not a hobby so it's now cut throat and full of politics. I'd love to see fat tyres big v's with blowers on but I don't want to see death.
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