At last! After 18 months of sheer boredom driving a very capable (particularly in the snow last year) CRV, I have changed to this....
New Wheels It's the 3.0 Tdi Quattro. Spent ages looking for a non s-line with standard wheels, but spec'd up with Mmi High etc. I didn't want an s-line because the suspension is made of concrete and my 84 mile a day commute goes over some appalling roads and my spine isn't up to it!! Ditto silly sized wheels.
Must say it's a great car, lovely place to be in and drives very well, stupidly quick yet if I am sensible I can get 47 mpg on my commute. Reminds me very much of the other coupe, especially 3rd gear (but not the consumption!)!
Edited: for some reason I cannot get the image popper to work, didn't think I'd been away that long!!