Having bought my coupe a few weeks ago after 5 years of lurking I finally got round to insuring her.
I was surprised at the wide range of prices!
I'm 38, 10+yrs NCB, 3 pending points
At one point footman james quoted me £1700 which was shocking.
Adrian flux came in at a competitive £450 including european / uk breakdown cover but was limited to 3000 miles.
After having read some posts on here i decided to call Footman James back and, as suggested, insist that they look again as other members have been insured under classic policies for a car of the same age (1998).
The lady said that it could be covered under a under a 'future classics policy' *sigh*.
The result for the policy directly comparible with the Adrian Flux one was good. Value £3500, limited 3000 miles, excess £100 (no voluntary excess), fully comp, european & uk breakdown cover, 35 days european cover etc... all for ..... £249 (so probably £200 ish if you remove breakdown cover).
/insert ecstatic smiley here
So i felt flush and opted for the 4500 mile policy at £312.
Thanks Footman James, my faith has been restored in car insurance companies.
Oh and on a minor point the lady i spoke to was delightful, unlike the adrian flux pushy 'wideboy' who just wanted me to buy a policy or get off the phone. Not that this would have mattered if AF were cheaper but the FJ 'buying experience' was nice