Well the time has nearly come for HIC to be renewing my insurance so as always 1month before hand letter arrived stating how much it would cost to renew. this came to £1256.xx this year..... hmmm not good for 4 yrs NCB and not too bad an area with only 4 points and minor mods and LPG...
Gave Neil from Greenlight some info and they came back to me for £750 but no track use and no 3rd party cover on other cars. Phoned back HIC and as always they were honest and said callback about 2weeks before due so they could get it re-assesed. Got a call from Heather @ HIC yesterday and she said she would refer it up as i dont do loads of miles anyway and with LPG and minor mods its not like im power hungry...
Anyway she called back later on and they are matching greenlights but not using the underwriter that i had previously which was Highway but someone else with a very long name... So she phoned back today as agreed and we sorted so covered for another year quite well. Considering when i first got the coop 2 years ago i was paying £1900 this shows how much NCB effects insurance and i think it must be 23 not 21 that insurance drops now and then 27 or suchlike. Oh and that includes NCB protection as well, never play dirty games without it guys

Also HIC are on 01279506090 and ask for Heather, say Brian Morrow from the FCCUK sent you and she will look after you

as she was pretty good with me, called back when promised and always friendly although i was a bit grouchy being woken up at 12pm

after 8hrs sleep! but all good in the end!
So for that i have,
3rd party cover on other cars,
Mods(exhaust, turbo, FMIC, LPG)
NCB Protection
which all in for a group 19 car aint too bad me thinks!