Just wondering if anyone would be interested in this i am building an s4 replica, for you young ones out there this is not an audi its a lancia built around a delta turbo tub with space frame front and rear, these are built to lancia spec/measurements so very close to the real thing,suspension was made for this project by black art desiegn very good qulity, wheels are replica items made to speedline spec by roin wheels in italy, the body work is 80% carbon kevlar taken from original lancia moulds, engine will be a forged 20v turbo unit which is the reason for the manifold post,at first it will be just turbo due to cost but eventualy i will twin charge it as original, gearbox is a 5 speed getrag item then theres a transfer box to split 50/50 four wheel drive i have put a link in to my flikr photos were you can view the car thanks for reading Mick.