The board felt that it would be useful to have the club rules easily available for members' information here on the forum.
General Rules of the Club
1. Membership:
1.1. Objective
The objective of the Fiat Coupe Club UK is to provide a Club devoted to the promoting, improving, enjoying and (of course) driving the Fiat Coupe.
This club is run by the members for the members. We operate as a non profit club with none of the Committee being paid for any of their work or time.
The club through designated sub Committees and the forum will provide technical advice to members.
Such advice could include equipment design and operation, vehicle Maintenance, buying recommendations and discounts available.
1.2. Eligibility
All persons interested in the Fiat Coupe cars and events shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application and shall run for a period of not less than 1 year.
Applications for membership shall be submitted via application forms available on line, any official club meets or from any committee member.
Membership includes all club privileges and promotional discounts, an up to date and current list of which will be displayed on the club website.
Membership is subject to payment of the Annual club fee.
The club and its members will reserve the right to award honorary memberships.
2. The Club Committee
2.1. Committee Members
The club will be run and administered by a club committee of not less than seven elected members.
It is a condition of office that all committee members will be fully paid up members of the club.
All committee members receive NO payment.
Committee members shall remain in post for a period of one year, AGM to AGM.
2.2. Committee Member Duties
Club President:
Presides at all meetings of the club, and conducts them according to the club rules.
Signs all official documents adopted by the club.
Decides all questions of order.
Performs all other duties pertaining to the office of President.
Vice President:
Performs on the presidents behalf such duties as may be delegated by the president.
Is responsible for all matters of the President in their absence.
Club Treasurer:
Receives and receipts all monies paid to the club.
Keeps an accurate account of all monies received and expended.
Produces an annual finance report for the AGM.
Pays all club bills, after authorization from the club board (Two appointed signatories will be required to pay all club bills).
Club Membership Secretary:
The membership secretary shall;
Keep a roll of members.
Process all membership applications.
Carry out all membership correspondence.
Club Secretary:
Produces written records of the proceedings of all club meetings.
Mails the minutes of any meeting to each committee member.
Reads communications as required at each meeting.
Notes all amendments, changes and additions to the rules document and makes it available to be consulted by members.
Events Secretary:
Oversees and co-ordinates all official club events.
Offers support and encouragement to ALL members with regard running and organizing any local meets.
Club Website & Club Shop
Oversees the content of the club website and ensures it is kept up to date.
Coordinates all matters relating to the club shop.
3. Club Meetings
The club will have an AGM each year in combination with the Annual Summer event.
Regular meetings shall be held at the discretion of all committee members.
Special meetings may be called by the President upon the written request of any five club members.
Meetings may routinely be held electronically by means of messenger or similar services.
Meeting Agenda and Minutes shall be sent to all committee members, either in printed form or by electronic means.
Agenda notices shall be sent so that they arrive not less than 24 hours before the meeting.
4. Club Fees
The club annual fee will be decided by the club committee initially and be reviewed at the AGM each year.
The membership fee shall be published on the club website.
The fee shall be sufficient to cover all the clubs costs including the Forum and any administration costs.
All monies taken will be fully accounted for.
Any surplus left at the end of the club year shall normally be carried over for the benefit of club members in the forthcoming year.
5.1. Suspension from the club
The Chairman and any one other Committee Member may suspend a member for breaching of club rules.
In order to lift a suspension the member must write to the Chairman confirming that he or she understood why the suspension was made and what steps the member intends to take in order that he or she no longer contravenes club rules.
If a member disagrees with a suspension he or she is entitled to request the committee meet to discuss his or her case. The committee (sitting in private) will then discuss and vote on whether to confirm the suspension. A committees decision is final.
5.2. Expulsion from the club
Members may be expelled for repeated or gross breaching of club rules.
The first step would be for a member to be suspended (2.5.1)
The committee would then meet to discuss and vote whether to move to expulsion.
Expelled members would forfeit all fees paid.
The committee shall reserve the right to refuse any future application from any expelled member.
Specific rules relating to the committee.
FCCUK Committee Rules
The club will be run and administered by a club committee of not less than seven elected club members.
It is a condition of office that all committee members will be fully paid up members of the club.
All elected committee members hold office only to the next Annual General Meeting, where they are eligible for re-election.
Committee members will receive no payments in connection with any FCCUK club or committee duties and business.
Attendance of one half of the serving committee shall constitute a quorum
Any club member may stand for election to the committee after serving a continuous period of one year as a paying club member at the time of the AGM.
Committee members must not have been expelled from any similar club or organisation for dishonourable conduct, or have behaved in any fashion that may be likely to bring the Club into disrepute.
1.2. Election to the committee / The Club AGM
Those members selected to form the first committee in January 2008 will not surrender their positions at the 2008 AGM, but will run a term of office until the 2009 AGM.
At the 2008 AGM additional positions on the committee will be offered.
The following rules will apply at the 2009 AGM and onwards.
At each AGM one half of the committee will retire, but are eligible for re-election if they so wish.
It will be the duty of any person seeking to stand for election to the committee to notify the club president, in writing, of their intention to stand not less than one month prior to the club AGM.
Election to the committee is not to any specific role. The role of each committee member will be decided by the Club President.
Following each AGM, the committee elects from within a president who then assigns all roles to the other committee members. To be eligible for the role of president the committee member must have served for a period of one year.
Each candidate would need to be proposed and seconded by two different club members.
A full list of candidates standing for election will be published to the forum members section no later than one week prior to the AGM.
Balloting lists will be issued at the AGM containing in alphabetical order names and forum names of all those wishing to stand, and those who proposed and seconded them.
Specific guidelines for the election process will be available at each AGM.
1.3. Resignation from The Committee
Any committee member wishing to resign from the committee must submit their resignation in writing to the Club president.
A resigning committee member must continue with their duties until a replacement has been arranged, or their duties handed over to someone else.
The President or the committee may appoint a club member to fill any casual vacancy on the committee. Any member so appointed must retire at the next AGM, but may be elected as a committee member at that meeting.
1.4. Duties of Committee Members
The Club President:
Presides and conducts all meetings of the club.
Signs all official documents adopted by the club.
Decides all questions of order.
Performs all other duties pertaining to the office of president.
The Vice President:
Performs on the presidents behalf duties as delegated by the president.
Is responsible for all matters of the president in their absence.
The Club Treasurer:
Receives and receipts all monies paid to the club.
Keeps an accurate account of all monies received and expended.
Produces an annual finance report for the AGM.
Pays all club bills, after authorization from the club board (Two appointed signatories will be required to pay all club bills).
The Club Membership Secretary:
Keeps a roll of members.
Processes all membership applications.
Carries out all membership correspondence.
The Club Secretary:
Produces written records of the proceedings of all club meetings.
Makes sure all meeting minutes are available to the club membership.
Mails the minutes of any meeting to each committee member.
Reads communications as required at each meeting.
Notes all amendments, changes and additions to the rules document and makes it available to be consulted by members.
The Events Secretary:
Oversees and co-ordinates all official club events.
Offers support and encouragement to ALL members with regard running and organizing any local meets.
The Club Website / Club Shop Member
Oversees the content of the club website and ensures it is kept up to date.
Coordinates all matters relating to the club shop.