My Coupe insurance is up for renewal this March (I've started looking for quotes and saving already) and I have 3 points on my licence (SP30). Now these points expire on my licence in January so I was thinking great, save myself £40-£60 with having a clean licence.
I did an online quote that I have been tinkering with for an hour and found some interesting points:
1) Although the insurance company say that they take into account the fact that if you turn 25 halfway through the policy and adjust the quote, this is not true. I put my 25th birthday in as yesterday and got a quite £xxx, I then started a new quote with my birthday tomorrow and got a quote £xxx + £60. So for the 2 days I am 24 I get charged £60

I did this test because my birthday is in March, exactly 1 week after the policy is up for renewal.
I think I'll be getting the bus for that week!!
2) Points
My 3 points expire on my licence in January (after 3 years), leaving me with a clean licence. This surely means that I have served my time and I am now a responsible driver than obeys the 70mph limit at all times...So why are Elephant still trying to get an additional £40 out of me for this.

This is unfair isn't it??
Elephant ask for a 5 year history of points.
3) This is more of a question for anybody in the know...
I crashed my 'mums' car on her policy last year (a Coupe 20V

). Now to make my policy much cheaper I put her on as a named driver. When I get to the section of "claims/accidents" I am stuck as to what to put.
Do I put
Mama Womack - Insurance Claim - damage to own car - no claims bonus still intact - £6k?
Policy = + £40
Womack - Insurance Claim - damage to...own car??? - Wasn't my policy so no loss in No-claims - £6k?
Policy + £80
or both of the above??
Policy + £100
Should I declare the same crash twice, and will they try to use this as a getout clause if I try and claim again without 'both' incidents listed??
So all in all with my age on the brink of 25, my 'expired' points and a crash on my mums policy, they are looking at extracting another £200 from my wallet.
Any ideas? I don't want to pay more than I have to.
-Should I delay my insurance and take the bus for a week while my age = 24 expires?
-Should I declare my "expired" points?
-Should I declare only my mum to have had a claim pay, then pay the mimimal £40 and hope for the best?