Having read through a few posts on here, as insurance time is approaching, I am wondering if there is any drawbacks to adding a female as a named driver. ie if I have an accident will it affect her NCB.
I know this sounds stupid but I am confused as to how the premium will be lower just by adding another name to the policy.
Does anyone know of any drawbacks? I don't want to ask my sister to put her name on my policy if there is any chance of her losing out.
Re: Adding a female as named driver#144892 04/07/200618:3104/07/200618:31
My insurance premium is considerably lower with my girlfriend on the policy as a named driver and she has 6points. Its stupid really as I have a clean licence???
If you have a claim it wont affect her NCB as you would be the policy holder and the claim would be made in your name. Even if she has the accident in your car the claim will be made in your name.
Ive had a female as a named driver on my policy for 7 years with no issues what so ever
2000 Moony 20VT6 VXR BMW 335i BMW M135i 2017 Cupra 290 Black Edition
Re: Adding a female as named driver#144894 04/07/200621:2304/07/200621:23
My other half is named on my policy too. The first year she dropped my premium by £100 and this year it was around £50 cheaper. Whether this had anything to do with her having an accident in the coupe between that time I can't tell, but it was off my policy and I never claimed for it.