This is a re-post.

I removed my original post having trodden all over member GDOs centre console post with the following:-

Needing to change my radio it was noted the easiest way was to remove the centre console, and so it proved to be!
Whilst the console was off I decided to clean off all the rubbery covering with Meths, rags and elbow grease to a shiny piano black finish.
I also beefed up the fixing posts with heat shrink

click to enlarge

It was then that I noted the condition of the two panel lights, the heat off the lamps has caused the lamp holders to become brittle and fall apart

click to enlarge

I decided to go down the led route.

I managed to fit two six led strips around the heater and fan controllers and two 5mm leds in the normal lamp location, wired them all together and there was light

The heater and fan controls still work fine although there is some resistance. When I take it off again I will apply some silicone lubricant and change the leds to white,
The led strips were 5mm wide and waterproof, if anyone finds thinner ones please tell

click to enlarge