I've occasionally had the alarm not disable when I get in my car, hazard lights flashing as I drive up the road. Pressing the fob has disabled the alarm and stopped the hazards flashing. Last Thursday morning I was about to head to work, the fob wouldn't work, I had to use the key to unlock the door. As soon as I opened the door the hazard lights started flashing, they go for a while, stop, then start again. I started the car, the fob still did nothing, I couldn't stop the hazard lights flashing, so I turned the engine off, locked the doors with the key and went back to bed. I later checked the fob batteries, I replaced them about 2 months ago, both were still showing 3.1v, so I started reading alarm threads. After a bit of homework I got under the dash and disconnected the blue connector above the fuse box, everything is now fine, but I have no remote central locking, I don't care about the alarm function. Abacus alarms do a reprogram option for 125 quid, with freight to and from Oz that's a fair hit to reprogram a 20 year old electronics box. They do an upgrade option, 175 quid plus 14 quid freight to Oz, so I can reinstate my remote central locking for $360. https://abacuscaralarms.co.uk/alarmshop/meta-m99/m99t2-gtv-or-fiat-coupe-replacement-kit.html As I said, I don't care about the alarm function, so is there a cheaper, easier way of reinstating the remote locking option, or should I just bite the bullet and upgrade the alarm box?
My remote was dead when I purchased my Coupe, so I have never known the luxury of having remote central locking on the Coupe. Just got used to using the key.
My technician mate has had the remote for over 10 years now with the promise to repair it. It got lost in his workshop and has only just "resurfaced", so I still await the repair.
It is not hard to install an aftermarket central locking unit, if that's what you're after. Look at this: https://www.fiatcoupeclub.org/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=520670&Searchpage=1&Main=41623&Words=%2Bcentral+%2Blocking+%2Bwire&Search=true#Post520670
It is not hard to install an aftermarket central locking unit, if that's what you're after.
That's what I'm after. I've found one at a local electronics shop that's on sale. I've tried tracking down a wiring diagram on here to no avail, photobucket strikes again.
Thanks for the help, but I fixed it Saturday. I've got a helicopter avionics background, so I can do wiring, but I hate it. I decided to bite the bullet and get the Meta upgrade kit from Abacus car alarms, they no longer do the forum discount. It was 191 pound with freight to Oz, a lot of cash but worth every penny if I put a value on my time and stress. I disconnected the battery, got under the dash and plugged it in, reconnected the battery and it just worked, tidied things up with a few cable ties and walked away, less than 10 minutes work. I spent $380 Oz, but recently sold a few left over bits for $360 after selling my 131 SuperBrava last year, so I'm only out of pocket $20, so no regrets.