Hello everyone

I know this is completely off topic but I'd thought I'd ask you fellow coupe owners if you would be willing to help obviously I appreciate that we are in tougher times and you may not be able to help (which is fine)

An old friend and work colleague recently took his own life leaving behind his wife and beautiful daughter aged 6 he has been battling mental health for sometime now and unfortunately it has over come him

The reason I'm asking on here is if it wasn't for him I would never have bought my first coupe or know the things I do about them. He loved all Strange yet beautiful things (that's what he called coupes) and was really pationate about them.

I hope you guys and girls can help just a little but at the same if can't I completely understand

Thank you for taking your time to read this



Last edited by Forfoot30; 31/01/2021 12:58.