Apologies if this is in the wrong section.
I've been lucky for the last couple of years to be able to display my Coupe on the club's pitch at the Silverstone Classic event and doing the parade lap this year.

I understand that the club has decided not to have an official club presence at the 2020 Silverstone Classic (31 July - 02 August).
However, PistonHeads are going again and as a PH member they've invited me to display my Coupe on the PistonHeads pitch

so I had a club code for buying bogoff and super early bird discounted tickets (before the end of December) so I'll be showing my Coupe and going for the whole weekend.
PistonHeads have said any other Coupe owners who are also PH members are welcome to do the same. Log into PH and go to Events / Classic Events and you'll find the eligibility list and exclusive booking code.