Following the sad decision to stop my 16VT restoration due to the amount of rust on the car I was looking for another Coupe, however I couldn't find one within my budget that didn't need loads spending on it just to pass an MOT let alone be any nice, what I did find was another car i very much wanted to own, a great price and an MOT i flew down to the other end of the country to pick her up and then drove home 450 miles in the most horrific rainy conditions I've ever driven in.
Meet Miffy my 1996 NA Mazda MX5
Shes not in the best of states paint wise, bought with a wrap on so it was fun taking that off and discovering bare metal and filler, quick halfords spray job and its mint lol
Rust wise except for the hole in her rear arch shes relatively rust free, the sills have been welded last year and look fine for now
Engine is strong and sounds really healthy, just needs a turbo

16vt turbo should be alright, right?

I've had her about a month now and shes super fun to drive and easy to work on.