Time for report

New record done, BUT not with Hoosier tires

. They are way too grippy tires to Alastaro track!! Clutch slide through badly with 1st and 2nd and also partly with 3rd gear

New record with Bridgestone Potenza S-03 tires is now 12.843 sec and 184.58 km/h (114.72 mph), 60ft 2.100 sec, 1/8 mile 8.574 sec / 144.22 km/h ( 89.6 mph).
Weather was fine, +25 deg C sunny day and some headwind.
Now to the Hoosier tires:
Firstly I had tire pressure of 2.8 bar (40.6 psi) to assure the wheel spin, my friend had 3 bar (43.51 psi). He ran first and after his run he said that something was slipping, he thought that most likely the tires, because they are new and he didn't done real burn-out to pre-heat the tires.
Okay, my turn

, I made a proper burn out with nice white smoke cloud

, then I choose the line so, that there was plenty of rubber on it.
Starting line pumping with gas pedal pressure to the turbo, green light and clutch up. Shit, feeling was imaging, car started to accelerate like el. car

, like rubber band, then slipping (I thought the tires), second gear and slipping continued. Then I realized that it is the clutch, quickly to the third gear and finish line. It was a disaster run, clutch was juddering and I had to push the pedal couple cm deeper to feel it release.
My friend was near by me , as assistance, and he told that the tires were never slipped during my run

Then back to paddock to think what to do, we decided to add tire pressure and not pre-heat the tires and choose the line so where quite a few runs has been done

I put 3.2 bar (46.41 psi) and my friend 3.5 bar (50.76 psi) pressure to the tires to get some wheel spin.
Noup, it didn't help, we couldn't get the tires sliding at all.
All together I made three runs with the Hoosier tires and best was 12.967 sec / 182.97 km/h (113.71 mph), 60ft 2.165 sec.
Then I changed back to the Bridgestone tires and made one run with new record.
Hoosier tires are marvellous, but not for our clutches and Alastaro track. I have Walkers Garage uprated sinter metall package and my friend has also sinter metall clutch.
I'm sure that the Hoosier tires will give the best benefit to our cars in very rough track (concrete or bad old asphalt).
But track like Alastaro, which has glue (not gluied for the race last Sunday) and really lots of rubber on it, we have no "weapons" to adjust the grip.
My clutch is now quite bad condition, when lifting it judders and for example this morning I couldn't get gear in. I had to stop the car and put the gear first in and after that start the engine. While driving gearbox functions well.
Now I have myself a big question: What to do with the tires, I'm never going to use them in Alastaro anymore. We have some quarter mile races, which have "bad" track conditions, where I guess the tires will do, but what about the clutch itself, does it stand all the torque because of the tires.
Now we need top find tires between the Hoosier and street tires, which could suit us in Alastaro track, which is still the best one in Finland to get the real time.
So, that was shortly the story of very grippy tires.
As I wrote earlier, there are always many BUT's

- Jari -