I've sorted a policy which I belive will beat most prices you have had with your renewals and new policys. it is subject to your details. its a classic policy and is avalable to over 21's on ANY Fiat coupe.
If you have a standard coupe or a coupe with light modifications then this policy would be perfect for you.
YOU MUST HAVE A MAIN CAR AND YOUR COUPE BE YOUR 2ND CAR to be eligable for this policy and your coupe must either be gaaged or on your driveway.
all policys are comprehensive and include legal cover an agreed value on your coupe and also full uk breakdown as standard.
oh and you get full salvage rights too.
Pm me il do you a quote anytime of the day
so basicly if your coupe is your 2nd car and you want to get a quote pm me and il call you or u can have my number
The policy will be a classic insurance fully comp you will not get ncb from it tho.
Pm me for my number
Last edited by Blue20vt; 21/05/2009 22:08.