So I got my coop insured with Admiral last month. At the time I did quite a few checks using Some of them I decided to check to see how much extra on the insurance it would be to chip my car should I decide to do it in the future. Of course its not modified and I didn't declare anything when I took the actual policy. All good.
Last week I recieved a letter from Admiral saying that they think I have modifications on my car and they are going to charge me a good load more, backdated to the start of the policy.
Yup, they looked at all my other quotes, and decided that because I got quotes with modifications that I must have either forgotten or deliberately failed to declare these mods and would take it upon themselves to charge me extra.
Thankfully I called them up and explained the situation so they cancelled the charge but it seems overly cheeky for them to do it in the first place! Had they refused to cancel the extra charge Im not sure what I would have done!
Just wanted to post this up in case it happens to anyone else!