Seems a good price - that's the advantage of a garage and a quiet area, just insured for you, Mrs Rosso and the dogs to drive
I went with Footman James in the end, no questions regarding agreed value, not even photo evidence. But it's somewhat dearer being on the main road in Edinburgh....
For - super quick chat to correct their low valuation. They now state no evidence needed for values to £20k. And still no customer call centre, 25 minute phone call with someone far away. Young Sophie realises that people ringing up don't have the latest 1.1i Bluetooth speaker on wheels.
Against....premium this year was higher then last year and a tad higher then I suspect I could get if I shopped round. And I told them this. £304- for fully comp, eu, track and breakdown. Plus recovery options in eu (if we are ever allowed off the island again) and set value of £10k.
Still happy.....but would expect sub £280 price ideally.
Yes they said it did. Its the track and eu beakdown (if we ever are allowed off the island and back in to the eu) cover that pushs up my cost. It maybe after brexit- the car does not go across the channel much-and if this is the case I'll not worry about eu breakdown cover.
I also increased the value, based on what I believe it would cost to replace it if anything happened to it.